Step 1


Before you can register for courses you need to be sure all of your holds have been removed.Incoming ֱ, you can check your holds while your EZ Advising form is being processed.

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Banner Preparing for Registration

  1. Visitand login
  2. SelectFAU Self Service(you may have to login again)
  3. From the Main Menu, selectStudent ServicesthenRegistration, and finallyRegistration – Add or drop Classes and Search Classes
  4. Click on the image labeledClick Here for Registration
  5. SelectPrepare for Registration
  6. Select Term and Continue
  7. View your Registration Status
    • All checks mean you are good to go!
    • Holds will appear here

Types of Holds

  • Freshman Advising(UN)#1- Your firstFreshman Advising hold will be moved forward a semester by your Academic Advisor only once your EZ Advising form is approved. Once your EZ Advising form is approved, this hold will appear in MyFAU butWILL NOTprohibit registration during your first semester of enrollment.
  • Freshman Advising(UN) #2 -To have your 2ndFreshman Advising hold removed you will need to meet with an advisor to plan courses for your next semester of enrollment.

Entering Summer or Fall- 1st UN hold moved by EZ Advising. 2nd UN hold removed by meeting with an advisor to plan Spring courses.

Entering Spring- 1st UN hold moved by EZ Advising. 2nd UN hold removed by meeting with an advisor to plan Summer & Fall courses.

  • Orientation Hold(OR)-Orientation hold will be removed by Orientation once youregister for an Orientation Session.
  • Immunization (IM)- Immunization hold will be removed once your medical records are submitted .
  • Admission File Incomplete (TZ)- Admission File Incomplete hold will not prohibit registration during your first semester of enrollment.However, it will turn into a registration hold at the beginning of your second semester of enrollment. Please contact Admissions if you have any questions.

For a complete list of holds, please clickHERE

Step 2


Incoming Students
:View approved courses from EZ Advising in your FAU email.

Current Students:Meet with Academic Advisor(Make an Appointment)

Step 3


Incoming ֱ, you can search for course days/times while your EZ Advising form is being processed.

Please select the appropriate link: |

Banner Search Option

  1. Select Browse Classes
  2. Select Term
    • Continue
  3. Search
    • Enter course Subject category like (BSC) or Biological Sciences and select it
    • Enter Course Number (numerical digits only)
    • Check the box to view open sections only (optional)
    • Select Search
  4. View courses, scroll down, and select the arrow to view more sections
Step 4


Incoming ֱ, you need an approved EZ Advising form and all holds removed before you can register for classes.REMEMBER: you must register for courses before attending Orientation.

Please select the appropriate link:

Note:If you are registering for theSummer Term, make sure to check the specific summer term ("Part Term" column on the Department Course Schedule) you are planning to register as there are three different start and end times in the summer.


    1. SelectRegister for Classes
    2. Select Term
      • Continue
    3. Search
      • Enter courseSubjectcategory like (BSC) or Biological Sciences and select it
      • EnterCourse Number(numerical digits only)
      • Check the box to view open sections only (optional)
      • SelectSearch
    4. View courses, scroll down, and select the arrow to view more sections
      Add Your Class
    5. Find anopencourse and select the Add button
      • This willNOTregister you for the course
      • The course will appear in a pending state
      • Several courses in a pending state can be registered at the same time
      • Select theSubmitbutton
        • If there are errors they will appear in the top right corner
        • If successful, the course will be changed to registered
        • If you change your mind, use theActionbox and select “Web Dropped” and selectSubmit(the course should show as Deleted)
        • If you want to swap a course but do not want to lose the seat you have, select the box forConditional Add and Drop. This will only drop you from your current class if you are registered for the new class.
        • **One courseMUSTsay “Web Registered” and one must say “Web Dropped”
    6. Add yourself to aWait List
      • If the class is full, when you attempt to Add, you will receive an error message
      • If there are spaces available on the Waitlist, from the Action box, selectWaitlisted, and selectSubmit
      • If there are no spaces on the waitlist you will need to select another course or section
    7. Select the “Search Again” button to find more classes until you have completed your schedule.
Step 5



Registration Support

Error Messages
The following is a list of common error messages you may encounterwhen you register for courses.PDFInstructions (with pictures!)

This error indicates that you do not have the required prerequisite to register for a specific course.

Example: ENC 1101 is the prerequisite for ENC 1102

Example: Before you can register for a math class you will need the appropriate math placement score (Test Score Error)

Please see the course catalog or the Department Course Schedule for specific prerequisite requirements.

Link Error: D1 (L2, D2, C1)

This error indicates that you are missing a LAB or a DISCUSSION that is a co-requisite for the course you are trying to register for.

Example:BSC1005 +L (L = Lab)

Example:ANT2000+ D (D = Discussion)

Solution: Go back to the Departmental Course Schedule and find the corresponding LAB or DISCUSSION section by clicking on theCRNof the lecture course. It will state:“To register for this section, please also register for one of the following sections: 12345, 67891, 98765”

NOTE: Make sure you submit both the CRN for the Lecture and CRN for the Lab/Discussion at the same time when you register for the course.

Department Permission Required (IN or DP)

If on theyou see the letters IN or DP next to the waitlist column, you won’t be able to register for that particular section and will have to pick a different one.

Time Conflict

This error indicates that you are trying to register for a course that conflicts with a different course you are trying to register for or have already registered for.

Example:CHM2045 has a required MONDAY exam time. Please take note of this time whenregistering for additional courses.

Solution:You will need to go back to the departmental course schedule and find a different time for the course you are trying to register for.

Co-requisite Error - CORQ REQ

This error indicates that you are trying to register for a course that requires you to register for a second course at the same time.

Example:General Chemistry 1 (CHM2045+L+D) requires a co-requisite of College Algebra (MAC1105 - or a higher math)

Solution:You will need to register for both CHM2045+L+D and MAC1105 at the same time.

REMEMBER: CHM2045 has a Lab, SO…you will need fourCRNs:

  • CRNfor – CHM2045 (Lecture)
  • CRN for – CHM 2045 (Discussion)
  • CRN for – CHM2045L (Lab)
  • CRN for – MAC1105 (Lecture)

For a complete list of Registration Issues, please clickHERE

Hold Information
  • Freshman Advising (UN)#1- Your firstFreshman Advising hold will be moved forward a semester by your Academic Advisor only once your EZ Advising form is approved. Once your EZ Advising form is approved, this hold will appear in MyFAU butWILL NOTprohibit registration during your first semester of enrollment.
  • Freshman Advising(UN) #2 -To have your 2ndFreshman Advising hold removed you will need to meet with an advisor to plan courses for your next semester of enrollment.

Entering Summer or Fall- 1st UN hold moved by EZ Advising. 2nd UN hold removed by meeting with an advisor to plan Spring courses.

Entering Spring- 1st UN hold moved by EZ Advising. 2nd UN hold removed by meeting with an advisor to plan Summer & Fall courses.

  • Orientation Hold(OR)-Orientation hold will be removed by Orientation once youregister for an Orientation Session.
  • Immunization(IM)- Immunization hold will be removed once yourmedical records are submitted.
  • AdmissionFile Incomplete (TZ)-Admission File Incomplete holdwill notprohibit registration during your first semester of enrollment.However, it will turn into a registration hold at the beginning of your second semester of enrollment. Please contact Admissions if you have any questions.

For a complete list of holds, please clickHERE

Waitlist Information
How to read your Degree Audit (DARS)